Thursday 21 April 2011

Getting hot at Alrewas

Trying to sleep with a BP monitor on isn't easy, but not completely impossible, so a bit of kip was had, in one hour sections (that's how often the cuff inflates, squeezing your arm, and I defy anyone to sleep through it).

In the morning, we got up and pottered in our usual way, and first popped into the village before walking up to Fradley, where the BW shop opened at 9.45. We managed to find three Pearson's Guides which were more up to date than our present ones, and also a birthday present for No 1 grandson, which was a bonus.

Back at the boat, we ran the engine to do another washload, to take advantage of the great drying weather, and had a leisurely lunch.

At last it was half two, and I could take off the monitor. That was nearly two hours ago, and there's still a crease in the flesh of my arm where the cuff was. No matter, job done. On  my way back from dropping off the kit at the surgery, I bought some supplies from the Co-op and the butchers, so's we can make an early start tomorrow morning, heading back to Fradley, and probably on to Huddlesford, depending on where we can find a mooring.

First job will be to drop down Bagnall Lock and wind, which should be a good deal easier this time than last time we did that, when it was still frozen.

1 comment:

Mike Muir said...

Ref the BP monitor, been there, done that, also had to wear pulse monitors more times and with more variations of attached equipment (including an internal one, surgery to insert and remove) than I want to think about. All of which, after 10 years, proved there was very little wrong with the ticker. Diagnosis.... Sub-Clavian Steal Syndrome, and you can look that up in your Funk & Wagnall's, but only if it is a recent volume! Good luck!