Thursday 7 April 2011

Second day on the dock

It was rather a broken night, last night, what with the strange sensation of the boat not moving and the noise of water leaking through the stop planks onto the dock floor. As a result, we were up and about in very good time; work doesn’t start until half eight around here, unlike at Lord Vernon’s Wharf where the Braidbar staff start turning up from half seven on.

The first coat of Comastic has gone on OK, albeit with usual horrendous smell of the xylene solvent. We retreated to the seating outside the shop, from where we could look out for the Waitrose order arriving.

This it did at half nine, all complete and in good nick, so full marks to By the time it was all put away, it was coffee time, so we went back to the cafe, ordered a hot chocolate and a decaf coffee and settle down for a bit.

Sheila had the MacBook with her, and checked email and did some proof reading, and I had bought an i, the mini version of The Independent. The first coat was all on by twelve, when we went back to the boat and got lunch.

Afterwards, we took a walk up the towpath, through Grub Street cutting, spotting a jay and a pair of Common Buzzard on the way. We’ve spent the rest of the afternoon loafing in the boat; when I’ve done the text for this post offline, I’ll pop round as far as the pub garden, near enough to the cafe to get the WiFi connection, and post it, checking email at the same time.

Then it’s my turn to get a shower in the services block before cooking dinner. That reminds me, I should have said before; it was an excellent meal last night in the Junction Inn, good pub grub like a larg steak pie and a chicken and bacon melt, with crisp chips.

Strongly recommended, I can see why it’s so popular.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When we've had extended stays on Indigo Dream I get quite 'land sick' when I go on shore because the land is so steady!

I'm sure it'll be worth it when you see the shiny blacking - that's a job we need to see to over the summer.

Sue, nb Indigo Dream