Monday 16 May 2011

Into Market Harborough

We set off just a bit before eight today, Sheila steering and your correspondent swinging the bridges. The one at the mouth of the arm now seems to be working well, and the dreaded number 4 is showing the benefit of its refurbishment.

You used to have to scuttle about unlocking BW padlocks so as to be able to close the road gates, but that's all been replaced by a power cabinet; one turn of the key and they are unlocked. In addition, the bridge, which frankly was a swine to swing at times, now pivots quite easily.

Well done, BW.

We made good time, much of the reed beds having been cut back, and by quarter past nine were approaching the town. I rang Union Wharf, and was told by Debbie that three nights in the basin would be no problem, welcome news. The basic cost is £7.50 a night, but for an extra 50p you can have an electric hook up. The folk here are always welcoming, too.

This means that Sheila can catch up with the laundry, we can leave the Hurricane running all the time, and we've booked a Sainsbury's delivery for tomorrow morning.

We'll do a pump out as we leave; it's a BW machine, so we can do a thorough job, especially as the tank won't be much more than half full. This will enable us to get through Crick Show before we need another one.

We had a stroll down into town this afternoon, and acquired some more plants; basil and coriander for fresh herbs, and some surfinias for colour.

We've spent the rest of the day sitting out on the side of the wharf watching the Canal Boat Club hirers getting their instructions and setting off into the wide blue yonder. We're on Hadar's usual mooring by the Wharf Office, which is fun; a firm edge all the length of the boat, so no excuse not to do some boat washing over the next couple of days.


eric.leech1 said...

Hi, follow lots of the 'Liveaboard' blogs, including yours (obviously) and really enjoy hearing about your journies, where you are, what you are doing etc. have a question for you, on average how long could you go before you had to pump out ? I know it is always good to do it before it gets to 'critical' but just looking for a rough idea. many thanks.

Bruce in Sanity said...


We usually manage between two and three weeks, but that's with a big tank (>300 litres) and using as little flush water as we can.

These things depend an awful lot on the kit you have installed - some systems get through a lot more water than others.

Hope this helps
