Wednesday 4 June 2014

Soggy Newbold

After the excitements of yesterday, we've spent today in the boat watching and listening to the rain. We've put the time to good use, though we had a relaxed start after another very pleasant evening with Des and Gill on Farne. They'd arrived not long after I posted yesterday's blog, having come from Crick in the one day rather than our six.

I've caught up with various emails I needed to send and even got around to completing a US tax form for Amazon so that they won't deduct US tax from the money we get in royalties for the sales of our Kindle books. Sheila, meanwhile, did her monthly banking checks, so on balance I had the best of the jobs. (As usual, some would say.)

We also ran the engine and did a load of washing. We've nearly caught up with the backlog, just about in time for next week's stuff.

This afternoon we put the rain gear on and went down to the Co-op to post the tax form and get a loaf for tomorrow.

We'll make an early start and plan to go through to Sutton's Stop, around four and a quarter hours boating.

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