Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Wet day at Hillmorton

After a good night's sleep, I'm feeling a lot better today. This may be down to the avocados we had last night (avocado, like mango, is a high potassium food, yum, yum) and/or just possibly to the fact that we had a dry night. Clearly more research is needed (how can you tell I used to help run a research unit?). Tonight, mangoes and soda water. Tomorrow, bananas and Fursty Ferret.

We slept quite late and have been pottering about all day while it persisted down outside.

In a minor crisis, the Independent wouldn't download; all I got were some lines of code. Tried various dodges like closing and reopening the app, but no joy. Finally emailed customer services from the website, but haven't had an answer yet.

Later on, I thought of deleting and reinstalling the app. I'm pleased to say that this worked and the system recognised that I already had a subscription. I've emailed customer services again to thank them for their help.


I also knocked out a document for Elanor's writing class on using Kindle Direct Publishing.

Finally after lunch we did some boat cleaning whilst running the engine to charge batteries and heat water. No sun plus using the big computer for my doc meant that we'd actually run the batteries down to 77%.

Tomorrow, up the locks and through Braunston towards Calcutt.

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