Friday, 16 February 2007

Blogging by email

The Brycelands made it back safely, and have just about recovered from
the jet lag three days later. They clearly had a great time, and New
Zealand sounds a great place to visit. It would be a great place to
live, if only it had canals!

We are now enjoying the retired life once more, or would be apart from
the concern about Sheila's Mum. It's one of those situations where one
can do very little except visit, try to get as much info out of the
hospital staff and wait for developments. Must say we've been very
impressed with the quality of care in Macclesfield General.

Working from the boat means I can only use the wi-fi broadband
connection by holding the laptop in the cratch of Sanity, so I'm
experimenting with posting this blog by email. This means that I can do
all the writing in the study, and then just go on line to send it.
We'll see how it turns out.

Looks like we have the prospect of a wet weekend ahead, so it's just as
well that we've sorted the wood supply (thank you Elanor and WRG for a
generous load of silver birch). Next task is to decide what jobs we
want doing to the boat, since we're making a longer stay here at
Braidbar than originally planned. Iain and Luisa have generously
arranged for us to be able top carry on borrowing the car to keep
visiting Mum. It's good to have such good friends - truly we are lucky
in our boatbuilder!

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