Wednesday 7 February 2007

Busy, busy with a week to go

Sudden burst of activity today, with another customer visit (the Siviters to see Just Siviting), an extra trip to visit Sheila's Mum, and a search for brass machine screws.

After a normal start on a very frosty morning - check two lots of email, the answerphone and sort the post - I trotted off down the hill to get the paper (the Independent). Then it was fiddling about time until the Siviters turned up and had a look at progress on their boat. Now that we've finally got the hydraulics for the bow-thruster sorted (don't ask), it's coming along very well, and they seem very pleased. Gave them a cup of coffee/ red bush tea, and nattered for an hour or so. Then it was a quick lunch before going into Macclesfield to visit Mum. She seems comfortable enough, but very drowsy.

After that, we played find the engineering supplies shop in Macclesfield. It's called Delaney's, but they don't sell donkeys. They did, however, have the brass machine screws we wanted, as well as a set of road works outside the store. All sorted, we headed back to the yard for a brew (tea) and to undertake some more supplier chasing, for portholes this time. This is where Sheila earns her keep - she's much better on the phone than I am, whether it's schmoozing suppliers to deliver two days earlier than they really wanted to, or staving off the creditors until the Brycelands are back.

Heigh ho, less than a week to go now before they're back - it'll be strange to be back to our unemployed lifestyle again!

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