Thursday, 1 February 2007

It's February, folks

One of those days which goes like a quickstep - slow, slow, quick, quick, slow. Early start to shuffle the boats in the yard and move a new one into the paint dock. Then a fair bit of quiet, Sheila trekked down to the PO/newsagent to get a paper while I held the fort in the office, browsing the web again for Blake's 7 stuff and waiting for the Siviters to come and see how their boat is progressing.

They turned up at lunchtime, so we took it in turns to lunch. All well from their point of view, but we're still waiting for a header tank to be delivered from Beta Marine (three weeks now). Finally got a series of calls from Beta, and looks like another solution is to be applied, trying to modify the tank we first thought of. The fitter is understandably not happy, especially as work on that end of the boat has been held up waiting for the thing.

Found some interesting stuff in Wikipedia about Terry Pratchett, including the rules for playing the fictional card game Cripple Mr Onion which mainly appears in Witches Abroad, but also appears in a number of other Discworld books.

Have just realised while sitting typing this that we've still not loaded the wood Elanor brought at the weekend onto the boat, and we're due to pull out of the yard for the weekend again tomorrow. Looks like that's Friday's activity sorted then. Maybe tomorrow 's weather wil be more encouraging :-0

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