Tuesday, 26 October 2010

A day spent indoors

What a wet day! It was OK for me, as it was Sheila’s turn to visit the surgery this morning (routine check, all well) and the dentist this afternoon for some work (pasta with cheese sauce tonight.) I spent the day indoors, wrestling with the problem of how to remove the Adobe authorisation from our now redundant Sony Readers so that we can sell them on eBay.

If you have a Windows machine, you can do it with the supplied Reader Library software, but not on a Mac, and a browse of the forums demonstrated a lot of frustration with the situation. I wasted a load of time downloading the latest versions of both the Sony Library and Adobe Digital Editions. Neither Sony nor Adobe really like Apple. Fortunately, good old MobileRead came up trumps with a universal solution; you do a hard reset, which scrubs everything out of the memory, including the Adobe authorisation.

So now the two machines are up for sale, along with a handful of others on eBay. Those near the end of their bidding time seem to be attracting a decent level of bids, so that’s fine. I’d initially complained that we’d be sacrificing the small number of books we’d bought for the readers, until Sheila pointed out that, with the money we’ll hopefully get for them, we can easily buy the Kindle versions if we want.

Elanor is coming across for the evening and night, so that she can give us a lift into Burton tomorrow to get our eyes tested and to do some bits of big town shopping, so we have a bit of socialising to look forward to.

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