Wednesday 19 January 2011

and another fine day

Removing the cushions from the chairs worked as a dog deterrent last night, and we only had a couple of checking up visits from Sally until she came and joined us at six. She's slowly getting used to Elanor not being here, but I'm sure she'll be ecstatic when collected tomorrow.

It's been another day for walks in the winter sun, fresh but fine, very pleasant.

I've sorted the Sainsbury's order for tomorrow, and had a conversation with the guy on Crosby, who apologised yet again for the noise. This is good of him, but it doesn't make it any more pleasant in the boat whilst he's sawing and hammering.

He's planning to spend the early part of February refitting the galley, so unless the marina can offer us an alternative berth, it looks like we won't be spending that month in here. As I said in reply to comments on the last post, we'll wait until Sally is off the boat before having a conversation with the management about the situation. We don't like leaving her alone in the boat, as she's getting very skilled at opening the bow doors for herself, and turning up at Reception with our Doberman in tow feels a bit over the top as an approach to complaint resolution.

There's not a lot more to say today, really; we're really looking forward to at least a week's boating next week.

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