Monday 17 January 2011

Dog to dog blog

Hi guys

I'm spending a few days looking after the grandparents; Mummy says it's because she's doing a course in college this week, and she doesn't think I'd be happy spending all day on my own in the house. I'm not sure what the big problem is supposed to be; there's the cat to keep tidying up, and if I get bored, I can always practice my singing.

If I pick just the right spot in the hall, the howl really echoes through the house, and the folk on each side get to hear it as well.

I think the real reason is that Mum is worried that the AGPs (that's Aged GrandParents) don't get enough exercise in the winter, so I have to stay there and make sure they get enough walks.

It's really hard work, especially as I get quite worried about them in the night, too. Every time Grandpa turns over, I have to walk through the boat on tippy toe, just my claws clicking on the floor, and make sure he's OK. I do this either by talking to him gently, you know, hwine, hwine, hwine, or, once, when his face was towards me, I gave him a little kiss.

Later in the night, he finally stopped responding altogether, so I thought I really ought to make sure he was OK. I nipped back into the saloon and did the honking up my dinner noise, urrrggghhh, gloop, hack, hack. Didn't actually bring anything up, of course, just licked the floor a bit afterwards to look convincing. It did the job, through he came, putting all the lights on and everything, so I knew he was still alive.

Big relief, I can tell you. I mean, what would I have told Mum if he'd flaked out while I was supposed to be looking after him?

Not that he was terribly grateful, of course, typical, parents, you do your best and what do you get? It's not as if I was all that happy about things myself, being away from Mum and all.

Never mind, as soon as the heating started in the morning, I shot down there and did the "I'm frantic, my paws are crossed, I'm going to pee all over the floor" bit, and he got up quite quickly, put some clothes on over his pyjamas and took me for a walk.

I've spent the rest of the day getting them out and about. There's a few other dogs around the marina, so plenty of chances for mutual sniffing and stuff.

Still, just three more days to go - Mum's picking me up Thursday, so we can go to Agility Class that night.

Keep those bunnies down!

Loads of licks

Your friend



Anonymous said...

Yo Sally, Lynx from Indigo Dream here, wot is it wif these humans - they just don't appreciate us - especially at 4am!

Keep up the good work of keeping grandad and grandma fit and well.

Lynx and the pack, nb Indigo Dream

Paddy and Lola (from Skipton) said...

What ho Sally, it's Paddy and Lola here. Don't let the old chap moan too much. It's your job to ensure that he is kept amused and occupied, otherwise he will sleep all night and snooze all day. Don't let him tell you that he is examining the inside of his eyelids...we've all heard that excuse haven't we? When you hear those little snorts and snuffles starting take immediate action to keep him active; night or day it doesn't matter. Off now to catch up on our sleep 'cos it's tiring keeping these humans active, isn't it?