Tuesday 11 January 2011

Erkk! Too late...

Got up this morning, went to the loo, made tea, came back to bed.

"What is that terrible niff?"

Oh no, it was the content of the toilet tank finding its way out of the forward breather filter under the bed. A) the tank gauge is under-reading, so that the tank is full when the gauge says there's an eighth left and b) the filter is lower than I thought, so that any overspill reaches it before it reaches the stern breather.

What a lovely start to the day, and all my fault for being overoptimistic about the tank's capacity (we knew that the gauge was playing silly b's). So, despite the fiercely gusty wind, it was off to the service block straight after breakfast. This required some nifty boating; at one point, I had to turn Sanity Again's stern into the wind and reverse down the marina, as there was no way I could get the bow to point into the wind.

We made it at last, and pumped out, refilled the fuel tank and bought another three bags of Taybrite. The trip back wasn't as bad, as the wind was largely blowing us the way we needed to go. After lunch, we took the bed apart, and I spent some time under it with pine disinfectant and the like, cleaning up. All is now sweetness and light in the bedroom, especially as we took the opportunity to change the bed, so that the predominant odour is that of fresh linen.

One good point: filling the tank made it possible to do a reasonably accurate calculation about the Hurricane's consumption, since of course the engine has had nothing to do since mid November. The answer is that it burns 0.5 litres per hour, a very economical rate, especially in the weather we've been having. Mind you, we've still got through 224 litres of diesel at 73 ppl.

Right, if that post hasn't put some of you off the liveaboard life, I don't know what will.


Nev Wells said...

Not at all... I don't even flinch at the bills that go out of out account every month. As for the $--t I deal with it most days at work !!

Looking forward to your cruising blog as no doubt you are, when you leave the marina will you be returning or is that the green light for your years cruising to start?

Take care


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, like the time when we were so pleased at how long out tank was lasting out when, in fact, a loose connection was discharging the stuff into the engine bay!

That's what's great about boats - it's back to nature but with all the comforts of home :-)

Hope you're both feeling better after the winter colds.

Sue, nb Indigo Dream

Bruce in Sanity said...

This reminds me, I meant to draw attention to the updated cruising plans box on the righthand side of the blog.

Current plan is leave marina briefly for a trip to Burton for an eye clinic appt at end Jan, then back in for the rest of Feb. Then head slowly to Norbury Jn during March for blacking on 6 April and so tally ho for the rest of the year.

Basically, six weeks to go, with a brief excursion in the middle.

All the best
