Sunday 23 January 2011


We were so excited, we got up quite early for us on a Sunday, and by half nine had switched the boat over to cruise mode and crossed the marina to the service jetty. The office doesn't open until ten on Sunday, so we improved the time by dumping our recycling in the bins provided and readying the boat for pump out and diesel.

Geoff, the boss, was doing the job himself today, and he soon had us sorted out. We took the opportunity to pay for another month's mooring, then off we went.

Getting 70 foot out of the marina is not easy; Sheila had to get off the bow onto the towpath opposite and haul it (the bow, not the towpath) round with the mooring line, but at last we were heading down the cut, boating for the first time in nearly three months. After dropping down Haywood Lock, we paused below for me to nip off and get a Sunday paper, then on we chugged to tie at Wolseley Bridge for the night.

After lunch, we've been pottering about; the 3 connection is very good here*, so Sheila's been doing some proof reading whilst I caught up with responding to blog comments and doing this post. Tomorrow, we'll stop in Rugeley for shopping (good Wilkinson's handy for the towpath there) and probably go on to Kings Bromley for the night.

*I've just tested it with – 3.97Mbps down, 1.49 up, not bad at all for a mobile connection.


Brian and Diana on NB Harnser said...

You should have paid the extra grand and head a bow thruster, don't say you don't need one, poor old Sheila had to jump off and pull it for you.
I hope you have gone far enough to get those batteries back to 100%SoC now the land line is unplugged.

Bruce in Sanity said...

Ho, ho. Pulling on the bowline occasionally is still better than paying well over £1,000 for a big chunk of kit that doesn't always work, creates an extra weakness in the hull and makes a terrible noise.

Your mileage may differ, of course ;)

What's more, the boat following us out of the marina did have a bow thruster, and he hit the piling on the opposite side with a big crash.

Have had to get back into power saving habits, right enough.

