Saturday 15 January 2011

Hanging about

It's hard to get enough exercise at the moment; I had planned to do a bit of walking today, but the grey, wet and windy weather really wasn't very inviting.

So today's activities have consisted of:

  • Walking into the village by the shortest route to get a paper
  • reading said paper
  • doing the short quiz, the Get the Picture quiz and the jumbo general knowledge crossword (not a bad effort this week)
  • preparing and eating lunch
  • stripping the meat off a chicken carcass after using it to make stock
  • starting some broccoli, carrot and celery soup with some tired, yellowish heads of broccoli
  • doing this blog
You can see why we're looking forward to doing some boating, hopefully at the end of next week, when we're planning to take a run into Burton. We just have to keep our fingers crossed that the ice stays away, and that the wind isn't anything like the 40 mph gusts we've had today.

It'll give me something more interesting to blog about, as well.

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