Friday 21 January 2011

Post dog recovery

It was heart warming to see Sally's reaction when Elanor turned up to collect her last night. She was beside herself with glee, ears laid back, bouncing up and down, giving little yipes of welcome...

The dog was pretty pleased too ;)

Speaking to Elanor today, I learnt that they had had a good agility class, with Sally doing a lot more off lead, so her stay with us hasn't spoilt her behaviour altogether.

After a lie in, we called in at the marina office this morning, and had a serious conversation with Steve the manager. He's undertaken to check just what's going on with the guys on Crosby; they are supposed to be moving jetties next month, so that should solve our problem, even if it doesn't settle the matter of the sheer amount of work that's being done on board. Apparently, it had been described as a bit of tiling work, but we know that the main project is refitting the galley and reflooring the saloon, which is likely to involve a lot more cutting and screwing yet, I'd have thought, even if the units are prepacked.

We shall see... we've agreed to come back in after our trip to Burton, as we'd really like the benefit of another month on the shoreline before getting back into cruise mode. Typically, things were quite quiet next door for most of the day, and we started to feel a shade guilty about complaining (typical Brits), but a burst of hammering this afternoon soon persuaded us otherwise.

We're off out tonight, visiting Bob and Kath on Lyra for a glass or two of wine.

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