Saturday 5 February 2011

Battened down

Not that the Houdinis, the only deck hatches on Sanity Again, actually have battens, but we've been keeping them pretty tightly closed, all the same. Come to think of it, we've kept the side hatches shut, as well. The rain has added itself to the wind, so that, having made our regular trip out to get the paper (by going to the further end of the village for it, via the towpath, we get our minimum two mile walk every day), we settled into the boat and stayed there.

After lunch, we did indeed put in a bit of boat cleaning time, but you can tell it's been quiet, we've finished the concise crossword and as much as we can do of the General Knowledge one already, and it's not even all that dark outside.

In addition, I ordered a replacement activated carbon filter for the toilet tank breather, the present one having been contaminated in the overflow event the other week, and that's about it.

Looks like a similar day tomorrow by the forecast, but never mind, once we're in February, we know that Winter is on its way out. Oh, and we saw a little bunch of snowdrops on the towpath; Spring will be here eventually. :)

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