Saturday 26 February 2011

A bit tired

We've got Sally with us for the weekend, and I may well get her to do this blog tomorrow, to make up for last night. She did at least let me sleep through until around half three, when I was well away, inhabiting some weird but non-threatening dream.

Sally, however, needed to see if I was alright, so came through into the bedroom and gave my sleeping face a big sloppy kiss. This terminated the dream with a vengeance, and Sally, after a few strokes from me, was happy to go back into the saloon and settle down again. It probably took me around half an hour to get off again, which is why it was just a bit of a pain that Sally decided that an hourly check would be good.

We gave up at half six, and I took her out for a brief walk. We could then all settle down, in the case of the humans with mugs of tea, to listen to the Today programme and doze off again.

So the rest of the day has been a little blurry. We went for a walk in the morning to get a paper, and I took her for a serious one this afternoon, rewarding myself with an episode of Blakes7 on my return (some dog walks are enjoyable, but after all the rain we've had, the towpaths are a mess of slippy mud).

One thing I've been meaning to report for a few days; there's been a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming away in the trees below Haywood Lock every morning for the past few days, another hopeful sign of spring on its way.


Anonymous said...

It's great that spring is springing but why does it have to be so b"££$% noisy! :-) The woodpeckes sometimes drum on our metal chimney pot and the noise reverberates through the whole house!

Sally is obviously making sure that you're still alive and well during the night - good girl! :-)

Sue, nb Indigo Dream

Bruce in Sanity said...


never heard of that before!

I'm sure you're right about Sal; of course, last night, she didn't come through at all until nearly six, so every time I woke in the night, I worried about if she was all right.

Aren't dogs wonderful?

