Friday 18 February 2011

Into Stafford yet again

We're getting quite casual about popping into Stafford to shop, courtesy of our bus passes. The service is pretty reliable from the top of Mill Lane by the mini roundabout, almost always arriving between 10.25 and 10.30. Getting into Stafford at around 10.45 means that you have just over an hour before the next bus back at 11.50, plenty of time if you have just routine stuff to do.

Today, we went straight into the market and patronised two of the butchers, one for mince and sausages,  and the other for chicken breast and pig's liver.

Then it was into Sainsbury's which was really busy, a result of being the Friday before the start of half term, I guess. We were grappling with the self checkout till when I realised we'd not bought any bread. It was too late to go back for some, so a quick check of the bakers in the pedestrian area found some nice loaves at Baker's Oven.

All that and we were back at the stop with 15 minutes to spare. Fortunately, unlike the stop in Great Haywood, the one in Stafford has all its glass in situ, as the easterly wind was bitingly cold.

Back at the boat, I quickly lit the fire whilst Sheila unpacked the day sacks. Lunch was accompanied by mugs of soup, a true sign that winter has returned for a bit.

Tomorrow, Graeme comes for an overnight stay with the boys, so blog posting might be a bit erratic until Monday; I'll tweet if I can't blog. This gives me an excuse to repeat a joke retweeted by @grannybuttons from  @SteveFowler:

Man goes to the doctors: 'Doctor, I think I'm addicted to Twitter'. Doctor looks at him and says, 'Sorry, I don't follow you'
Have a good weekend, folks!

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