Monday 14 February 2011

A mixed day

I suppose you could call it early spring weather; it has a clownish quality, being bright, breezy and sunny for much of the time, then suddenly a downpour of sleet and hail moves quickly in. Judging when to take washing across to the service building, and when to collect it after tumble drying, was quite a challenge.

Our fellow moorers Bob and Kath have returned; Lyra was being re-blacked last week, and they collected her from the slip this afternoon and brought her back to her mooring two across from us. Just as Bob was manoeuvring to slot her in, guess what, the sleet and wind arrived. It took a couple of goes to get her lined up, but in the end we were able to take a line and haul her into place.

As predicted (perhaps adumbrated is the word), I had to investigate the non-functioning toilet tank gauge this morning. We stripped the bed, moved the mattress out of the way and extracted the sender unit from the tank. It's definitely not working; dipping it into a full bucket of water produced nary a thing on the gauge.

So, another call to Peter at Braidbar to spoil his week as well. He'll have to ring the guy at MSC, and we wait to hear what they are going to do about it. It's so frustrating; the concept is a good one, and we've used their fresh water tank gauges on both Sanity and Sanity Again without any more bother than occasionally tweaking the calibration to suit our preferences (optimistic vs pessimistic). Because the thing is pressure based, changing ambient temperature makes a bit of difference, but nothing to get excited about.

Speaking of duff kit, I'm still waiting for a reply from the supplier of Sheila's reading light. The light itself has good reviews on Amazon, so I hope she gets on with it and arranges a replacement.


Roger Millin said...

Instead of messing about with a bucket of water why didn't you just blow down the dip tube? ;-))))

Seriously though I had a problem with the MSC fuel tank gauge on Phoenix and it turned out to be that it hadn't been possible to calibrate it properly because air couldn't be pumped into the Schraeder valve. If yours has this facility it might be worth e-mailing me to find out more.

Anonymous said...

Interesting about the gauge - we've been uhmming and ahhing about putting a guauge in the freshwater tank for some time now. Marina life has made us soft, with water literally on tap when we need it. We'll need to be a bit more vigilant when we're on the odyssey!

Sue, nb Indigo Dream

Bruce in Sanity said...

Hi Folks

The waste tank gauge doesn't appear to have a Schraeder valve that I can see; it's supposed to come precalibrated for the given tank depth, but do send me a PM if I'm missing something (queue for gag if ever there was one ;) )

Sue: I'd certainly go for a water tank gauge from MSC; more on this today as we're having another day stuck indoors.

