Thursday 3 February 2011

A mostly relaxed day

We've had a day of ambling round and chilling out, going into the marina office for a chat on the pretext of buying some laundry tokens, that sort of thing.

On our way to buy a paper, we found No Problem about to set off from her mooring, and so had a chance of a bit more catch up with Sue and Vic. They had a guy from Axiom Propellers on board - Sue reports being very satisfied with her Axiom, except that it lacks impulsion, so the boat is slow to start and stop. I'll be interested to hear how they get on...

On our way back, we found Chas and Ann on Moore2Life fighting against the wind to get onto the water point, and stopped to give them a hand. Another chance for a natter.

Apart from that, we've been on the boat all day, except when Sheila took some washing over to the laundry to tumble dry it.

It was actually a very fine day at first, but the promised storm is now making itself felt; the wind's getting up, and we might well have a lot of rain over the next couple of days.


Roger Millin said...

I've probably told you this before but I'm very dubious of some of the benefits claimed by Axiom. Some benefits are contradictory of one another IMO. It is a major claim of theirs that stopping power is improved and, by implication from their claim that more water is pushed out backwards more smoothly, they are suggesting that forward acceleration should be better too. Hhmm, some of their claims don't stand up to engineering scrutiny IMO.

Bruce in Sanity said...

I'm in agreement with you - Sue introduced me to the guy from Axiom as an unbeliever.

An awful lot of the claimed benefits could be down to better prop sizing, and Sue's list of advantages sounds more like the result of a smaller prop and slower boat (Less wash, boats don't move as I pass, etc.)



Sue said...

I hope I didn't embarass you in any way Bruce, it certainly wasn't my intention, in fact there was method in my madness, I thought it might strike up an interesting discussion.. Didn't happen :)

I am not doing good reporting about this prop by what you say.

Although I do not have good enough thrust when I want it, the boat is certainly going much faster past moored boats than ever I would dare with my old prop. Certainly much faster than the boat I am travelling with at the moment.

Mooring is much easier, and now I don't have to pull and haul the boat after stepping off the back, it does 'walk' maybe 2 feet with much less effort to pull in.

I know there are a lot of engineering 'non probabilities' on the cards, I don't understand why it works the way it does, you need to get on the back of a boat where one is fitted to feel the difference.

I, however, remain optimistic that the correct sized prop will solve the problems I have.