Friday 18 March 2011

A bit further than we meant

We left just a bit later than I'd meant to this morning, after a quiet night at Handsacre; a mooring to be recommended. It was very pleasant boating; Spring seems to be back again, and we made good time to Rugeley, arriving at half ten.

Morrisons supplied a lot of fresh stuff we needed, and the hardware shop produced a flue brush for £4.99, a lot less than we'd have paid at Midland Chandlers, methinks. Back at the boat, unpacking and stowing away was interrupted by a knock on the roof; it was one of Tim Tyler's guys, who lives nearby and had recognised his own work in the shape (literally) of Sanity Again's josher bow.

We had a good old natter, then settled down for lunch. By one, we were ready for the off. I'd planned to stop at Wolseley Bridge tonight, through the bridge where it's sunny, rather than under the trees. There was just the one boat on shady side, but a huge collection where we'd planned to stop. We might have squeezed in, but a lot of them had gennies poised menacingly on their sterns, so we decided to go on at least to Little Haywood.

Up Colwich we went, and lo and behold, lots more of the usual suspects at Little Haywood. So we've come on to Great Haywood, tying above the lock for the night. Good phone signals here, unlike the prettier bit below the lock, which is screened form the local masts by the railway embankment, I guess.

We've had a go with the High Strength Stain Remover, and it has indeed cleaned off the tar run from the side of the cabin. It's also been very effective at removing staining from around the exhaust outlet, so a useful product. It's taken the polish off, as we were warned it would, so that's a job for the morning.


nikvah said...

I Enjoy your blog which I include in the cocktail of digital fixes that feed my habit whilst bank-bound. Can you define gennies - I'm sure I would find them menacing too if I new what they were.

Bruce in Sanity said...


Older boats often didn't have provision for AC supply (like an inverter or engine mounted generator) built in, so they buy a small two stroke generator ("genny") which is placed on the stern deck, because its exhaust is lethal indoors (CO).

These gennies are usually air cooled and produce an infuriating noise, whiny and clattery. We try to avoid mooring anywhere near one, it can really destroy the peace of a spring evening.

Glad you enjoy the blog!

All the best
