Wednesday 2 March 2011

BW are helpful

Praise where praise is due is the motto of this blog (well, it could be if it had a motto, which frankly it doesn't need, any more than a mission statement... Sorry, I'll get back to work)
We had a good night's kip and set off just before half nine this morning, aiming to be at Fradley Junction between half ten and eleven. It turned out to be just on eleven when we got down Junction Lock, all of them having been against us. The weather, though dry, was very cold, the wind still being in the east, so we were glad to get tied up.

Lyra was tied above Shade House, and Bob and Kath walked down to the flight just as we were finishing, so we joined them in the cafe for a cup of decaff (me) and hot chocolate (Sheila) and a piece of apple pie each, as a reward for coping with the cold.

Once refreshed, we went into the information place to ask about our licence renewal. They were able to tell us that the renewal notice had been posted out on the 21st, so it was a bit strange that it hadn't yet arrived. However, they printed off another copy for us on the spot, and I was able to pay there and then.

I must say, this is very good service, and makes one less thing to worry about. The shop at the junction, however, now only opens on Thursdays and Fridays; maybe it will open more often after Easter.

We've spent the rest of the day lurking and pottering, as it remains very cold out there. On the other hand, the signs of Spring are all about; the willow trees are greening up, and flowers are appearing in sheltered spots. We've seen loads of snowdrops, but also a few daffs and even some primroses.

Tomorrow, we go on down to Alrewas for the weekend.


Christopher Proudlove said...

I agree. My wife and I are new owners - we get the keys to Free Spirit this weekend - so getting a licence was a priority. Phoned BW head office and got a huge amount of help from customer services (Heather?) who couldn't have been more patient.

Unknown said...

hi just to let you know we are following your blog maybe you like to follow ours and maybe catch up soon