Sunday 20 March 2011

A short trip

As I tweeted, it turned out Sheila didn't need to go to Lincoln after all, so Elanor and Sally came across just to visit this afternoon, and we boated round the corner from Great Haywood to Tixall Wide. This means that the young ladies will walk back to the Farm Shop Car Park in a while, giving Sally a bit of a walk in the process.

Sally was very excited to be boating again, standing on the bow locker lid and bawling insults at any passing ducks. A couple of guys on the towpath wondered if she was the product of a Jack Russell/Doberman cross, which leaves the mind boggling slightly. Maybe they were feeling cheerful for substance related reasons...

Otherwise it's been a pretty quiet day, though we did get the bed changed this morning (gosh...)

The other positive was that Elanor brought the repaired barometer with her, and I've restored it to its rightful place on the galley bulkhead. All in all, excellent service from FCC Precision.

Tomorrow, we'll head on down the Staffs and Worcs, probably to a mooring between Deptmore Lock and Acton Trussell, then on again to Penkridge the next day. We had planned to water at Great Haywood, but the water point was pretty crowded, with Anglo Welsh boats tied on the junction end of it blocking a clear view of just how much length there was to tie on.

We've got between a quarter and half a tank (OK, we've got three eighths of a tank), so we should last until the next water point at Penkridge, the one at Milford Wharf having gone.


Brian and Diana on NB Harnser said...

hope you have screwed it up properly this time.

Bruce in Sanity said...

Hmmm... not quite sure how to take that, Brian.


The problem is that the fixing is a single plastic insert keyhole, and you have to be able to take the beastie off the wall to set the clock or change its battery. The screw was just a bit slack, so that the backboard could jump up and fall off if the bulkhead flexed.

I've improved things by sticking some of those felt pads on the back at the corners, then setting the screw as tight as I can, so that the whole thing is jammed on quite hard, but won't scratch the varnish on the bulkhead when you take it down.

All the best
