Monday 28 March 2011

To and fro to the shops

It's been a heavy burst of retail therapy today, with another two trips into town, first to Morrisons for more groceries, and then to the town centre. I got a prescription filled at Boots, and we found the home made chocolate shop, Tuesday's, where £11 was spent effortlessly; other visitors to Market Drayton, you have been warned!

Back at the boat, I started the engine whilst we ate lunch, so that things were warmed up enough to run a washload by the time we'd finished. The weather had been very foggy and chilly all morning, but by the time the washing was done, it was another glorious day, ideal for drying.

We'd been forewarned by text, so were not surprised to see Autumn Years and Acen turn up in the early afternoon. We've had one good old natter already, and Carolann and Graham, and Jo and John are coming round for a drink tonight. Amongst many other things, we learnt that John is now keeping a blog, though I note from my first viewing of it that he's a bit unsure about the spelling of Jo's full name ;).

After I've posted this, Sheila is going to cut my hair, giving me time to get a shower and to cook and eat dinner before our guests arrive.

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