Wednesday 30 March 2011

Wetly on to Nantwich

After yesterday's lapse, we had a quick dinner and an early night, but still got up in rather more leisurely fashion than usual this morning, partly because the forecast of rain overnight meant that we left the Houdini closed in the bedroom and the bung in, so didn't have the early sun in our faces.

We still managed a half eight start, with around three hours to do to get to Nantwich. First off, we stopped on the water point below Lock 13 and topped up the tank; the last few times we've filled it, we haven't wanted to hang around for one reason or another, and have stopped filling as soon as the gauge showed full, rather than waiting until the tank was brim full. This time, we gave it the full distance, and didn't get going again until around half nine.

I left Sheila bundled up on the stern for most of the run; it started off cloudy and cool, but gradually the rain came in, until by the time we got to Hack Green Locks, it was fairly tipping it down. We neither of us had put waterproof trousers on, so the wet ran off our jackets and soaked our trousers, not helped by the need to push balance beams and the like.

At last Nantwich hove into view; we've tied on the first set of visitor moorings, dropped the cratch for the first time for a few weeks and spent the afternoon snuggled up to the Squirrel. The Briar Rose came by after lunch with Geoff steering and Helen walking the dogs on the towpath, and a bit later, Autumn Years and Acen caught up with us and carried on by. They are heading up the Llangollen, so we won't see them again for a while.

We'd planned to shop this afternoon and go on to Barbridge tomorrow, but in view of the forecast, we'll stay here instead, and do two shopping sessions, one to Morrisons and one into town.

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