Saturday 9 July 2011

Dog to dog blog: Into Rugeley

Hi guys

Well, I got to admit, Rugeley was more exciting than I expected. For one thing, when we set off, Mum and Granny stayed on the tow path with me and we walked the first bit. I even got off the lead for a lot, and had a brilliant run around and rummage.

Next, we got back on board for a while, and I did Olympic looking, keeping a sharp eye out for ducks. Ducks are very sinister, and will quack at you as soon as look at you, so I perform the vital function of barking at them before they can quack.

After going through some narrow and windy bits, we had to stop while Grandpa did something called "going down the weedhatch". The three of us girls got off, and when he set off again, we stayed off and walked through a sort of tunnel place, brilliant echoes.

Then loads of ducks started showing up, and I worked really hard all the way through to a stopping place, Here, mum and I guarded the boat, whilst G&G went shopping yet again. Off we went again, and came to where Grandpa could turn the boat round.

This took a while; Grandpa said it was because the winding hole was very shallow, whatever that means; I think he was just embarrassed. Anyway, some boats going each way had to wait while we finished. One of them, who came charging through as soon as he could, was rude about how long we'd taken. I wanted to rip his mechanical fixings off, but Mummy wouldn't let me.


We've now stopped for the day without going back into Rugeley, a bit before the aqueduct and the Bloody Steps. There were some kids barbecuing under the bypass bridge, so I gave them a good looking at, and they've all gone away now. Another swizz, really; they had sausages, and I didn't get one.

Heigh ho, dry food again tonight, I suppose. It's really mean. Mum had hot chicken the other night, and I didn't get any. Lynx, you gotta tell me how you do it.

Lots of licks,

Your friend



Des Barnard said...

Hi Sally,

Just read your blog. My M&D had sausages tonight as well, & I didn't get a look in either, so I empathise with you!

Mind you, I did rather blot my copy book a couple of days ago by finding a very muddy stream to wallow in, but I thought I smelt just wonderful - M&D did not agree, so threw me into the cut. By the time I was pulled out, all that lovely mud had unfortunately been washed off.

Best woofs

Anonymous said...

Deer Sally

I needs to teech you the "hypno-stare" - maybe you coulds get Grandad to bring your boat to our boat so's you can have lessons....

I finks that barkin' at ducks could be a holympic sport - you's would win gold coz we duzn't do that at all, well, unless the ducks are bein' cheeky and that duzn't count!

