Sunday, 11 September 2011

A quick catch up

We've had a great weekend; sorry I didn't even get around to tweeting, much less blogging. In a nutshell to catch up:

Friday night meant loads of grub from several parts of the world, lots of laughs. We'd put the marquee up on Thursday, with a gazebo in front as a porch, and we certainly didn't need any heating in there. We had a couple of lights rigged from the ridge pole and had no difficulty seeing.

Saturday the weather stayed reasonably kindly, and after a slowish start (usual Saturday phenomenon) there was a steady flow of visitors. The Open Day always feels very different from Crick, in that pretty well everyone who turns up is serious about buying a boat, though at different stages of the process.

Peter Mason pronounced himself well satisfied with the outcome, with one firm order and several other people wanting detailed quotes. It looks like the order book will be full well into 2013 pretty shortly.

The evening barbecue was a great success, with loads of grub again, both the grilled meat and salads, bread, pasta and yummy sweets. The quiz was if anything more popular than last year, and after a close contest was won by a team of folk who had mixed fortunes in previously.

Today, we made a start at around 8.45 and by half ten had all the tentage safely down before the wind got too much. By lunchtime we had everything tidied away, and had undertaken a complex boat shuffle so that the Barnards on Farne, who'd been in the paint dock, could make an early start tomorrow.

In the afternoon, Sheila arranged a trip into Macclesfield to visit the Silk Museum which was interesting, though the museum sounds to be not as well organised as some others.

The rest of us stayed behind and in my case at least caught up with lost sleep.

Tonight we have a Chinese; there's about 14 of us left from the peak of 31 yesterday.


Adam said...

Good to hear you had a good weekend. We have a mini Braidbar owners gathering her in Stoke Bruerne, with Up Spirits, and Nuggler as well as us moored in this pound.

On the other hand, signage is one of my least favourite words (I've never found an occasion when 'signs' wouldn't have worked just as well), so you can imagine my reaction to 'tentage'!!

Bruce in Sanity said...

Look, I was tired, OK? ;)

I know what you mean, though. Mind you, my blog doesn't have a photo in it captioned "Add caption" ;)

Hope the wind isn't too much of a problem for you today, and, if they are still nearby, give our regards to Up Spirits and NUggler, won't you.

