Saturday 13 April 2013

Lazy Saturday

We've been loafing about rather today; Sheila did a wash load this morning, so the batteries had a good charge at the same time, but by the time it was all done the weather had deteriorated too much to use the whirligig. The clothes are on a rack in the engine room instead.

We're waiting for Elanor and Sally to show up – they've been having a lazy day too, I suspect.

There's been a certain amount of traffic about, both boats and walkers/dogs/joggers/cyclists on the towpath.

I posted the photo of the strange box on Canal World and had the answer this morning. They are dormouse nesting tubes, seemingly. There's web page about them here.

We're sitting tight again tomorrow while the worst of the wind and rain blows through, then making a dash through Rugeley to the Pig Farm, Bridge 69, on Monday.

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