Monday 20 May 2013

Into Rugby

Things actually worked out OK today, wow. I just love it when a plan comes together, though any resemblance to the A Team ends right there.


My repeat prescription was indeed waiting for me at the PO. After we'd collected it and whilst buying a traditional media item, we asked about the best place to catch the bus to Rugby (there are two services from Braunston to Rugby now). The assistant on the till said "Ooh, I'm not sure, it depends." Odd, we thought, but she was right. Let me give you the benefit of our experience:

The better service is the 12, not the 10. The 12 is like the old service which goes pretty well straight there, apart from a tour round a housing estate on the Dunchurch side of Rugby. The 10 goes a longer route via some of the local villages.

To catch the 12, either be at the bus shelter opposite the Wheatsheaf just on the hour or, if going straight from a boat tied on the towpath, catch it a minute or so later at the stop on the A45 outside the Boat House pub. There is a choice of stops to get off at in Rugby; if the bus is at all busy it will stop at all of them anyway.

Coming back, the 12 leaves at 13 minutes past the hour from a stand in North Street on the Clocktowers shopping mall side.

We'd got all our shopping done by half eleven and decided to get an early lunch. There's a good choice of eateries and we went for the Gallery Restaurant in the Clocktowers.

Bit of a mistake, frankly. We'd been attracted by the special choice of pork and stuffing bap or chicken and stuffing bap, with chips, salad and a drink. The place had all the ambience of a 60s bus station and when we tried to order, first the stuffing was off, then the pork was all gone.

So we both had a chicken bap without stuffing. The 'bap' was in fact a burger bun apparently made from cotton wool and the chicken was about as tasty. Still, the chips and salad weren't bad, but we won't be going back. McDonald's would have been better.

We did get through in time to get the 12.13, getting off in the village again and raiding the butchers. In a fit of enthusiasm, we walked back to the boat the long way, down to Butchers Bridge and along the towpath, with the result that we were very ready for a long sit down this afternoon.

No matter, that's us sorted – tomorrow, onwards to the Watford flight, and then arriving at Crick on Wednesday, after which this blog will become a bit erratic, I expect.

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