Friday 13 June 2014

Back in touch

We tied at Bridge 23 yesterday, a very pleasant location with a farm shop nearby, but with very little mobile signal. In fact, only Vodafone had any presence at all, and that only outside the boat.

We'd had a good run to there from Shenton, stopping at Sutton Cheney to water and then passing straight through Stoke Golding. There we saw Banque à Barque tied to the towpath; they are moving on much more slowly than we.

It was a lazy day and a warm night, but we still managed a half decent night’s sleep and were boating on by half seven this morning. We wanted to see how accessible the Hinckley shops were from the canal, so tied between Bridges 17 and 16 and walked to Tesco. It's about half an hour's steady walking and frankly not really worth it.

We'd thought from the website that it was a Tesco Extra and so a possible source of a new pair of shoes for me, but this proved to be a misunderstanding. It calls itself a Tesco Superstore but is in fact a very basic Tesco and dull, cramped and gloomy to boot. A visit there explains a great deal about the flagging performance of the once all-conquering brand. Leaving without buying anything, we went back to the Lidl we'd passed on the way and did a good shop.

Sheila even found a pair of light canvas shoes to wear in this warm weather.

It was quite a slog back to the boat, twenty-five minutes downhill, with our well filled day sacks. There's a Londis local store near the canal which would do for shopping for basics.

Having unloaded and drunk a cup of coffee we set off again, moving just a little further down the cut to Lime Kilns where we've tied for the night. Our good deed for the day was remooring a boat a bit further down the cut. Despite very substantial mooring pins it had ended up across the cut with only the bow still tied. The privateer whose passing had finally dragged it off seemed to think it amusing that we should bother re-tying a strange boat.

As I say, there are boaters and then there's floaters...

It's still very warm but a bit cloudy and humid. 

Definitely salad again tonight, methinks.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, we'd always re-tie a loose boat - it's the right thing to do and a loose boat can become everyone's problem. And, of course, we're returning the favour (paying back and forward!)- Indigo Dream has been cast adrift and kindly been saved by other boaters.

The only exception is when I passed a loose boat and delegated the re-tying to another passing boat as I was single-handed with lots of hounds (feeble excuse I hear you cry :-) )

Sue, nb Indigo Dream

Dogsontour by Greygal said...

Hi Bruce

Oh, I'm with Sue on this one, it's a real goat-getter for me. It's not just that I believe in karma, it's part and parcel of upholding the community spirit of the cut, and beyond that, just common decency to keep an eye out for others. I hope you gave the amused floater something to reflect on by your kind actions.

All the best