Saturday 16 April 2016

... and so to Poynton

Today has gone according to plan, so far at least. We had a relaxed start as Elanor's train was not until 10.56 at Macclesfield and it's about an hour's cruise from Lyme Green to there. So we got away just before nine and were tied on the spiffing new pontoon moorings by Buxton Road before ten.

Elanor left us at twenty past, Sally staring after her with her Hang On expression on her face. It being my turn to steer, I had to bundle up well as there was a bitter North Wind blowing. You can tell we've come north and ascended about 600 feet; it's still winter in these parts!

We took it in turns to steer, half an hour on and half off, with plenty of hot drinks. Lunch was taken on the move and we got to Poynton after a total of four hours boating, almost exactly what we'd estimated. An exchange of texts with Elanor confirmed that she too had arrived at the marina, having taken two hours by train, including two changes, to retrace eight days boating...

She's now driving back and should be here by five. We've been to the Trading Post for tea and flapjack, much to Sally's disgust as she didn't get any. Mind you, she was very well behaved, sitting between us outside the TP and watching the world go by. She is indeed a changed dog from all those years ago when she was nervy and had a hair trigger threat response.

Tonight, the plan is for a meal in the Boar's Head, yum.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Good to know you've arrived safe and well at the end of Phase I. Gorgeous day here - frost everywhere before the sun rose. Now not a leave moving and cloudless sky.