Sunday, 24 October 2010

Another quiet day

We had a better night last night, and Sheila is much improved this morning, though still not firing on all cylinders. As a result we’ve had another quiet day. I made a foray to the village in the morning to get a paper, which took a good bit longer than expected as a result of the need to converse with friends old and new.

First off, Autumn Years was just preparing to depart, so I stopped and had a farewell natter with Carolann and Graham. Hopefully, we’ll see them on their way back. They haven’t yet succumbed to the temptation of onboard mobile internet, so we communicate via text message.

Next, just after I’d crossed Gallows Bridge, I was accosted by Mr and Mrs Rowland Webb (I'm afraid I haven’t gathered/remembered Mrs Webb’s first name). They are followers of this blog, and are making the transition to living aboard in easy stages, so we had a good old chat before going our separate ways. With Sheila poorly, I didn’t feel able to offer a show round Sanity Again, but they too will be coming back this way, as they are mooring in Aston marina at the moment, so there's a good chance of a link up later.

After lunch, we managed a totter down the towpath to the lock and river to have a breath of fresh air and a nosey at who’s about. Apart from that, we’ve been dividing our time between the newspapers and the crosswords and the like, and Sheila’s managed a bit of crochet.

With luck,we’ll be better yet tomorrow, assuming I don’t succumb to the lurgy.

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