Saturday, 23 October 2010

Keeping under cover

Definitely a short one today; I nearly settled for a tweet. We had a great evening on Autumn Years last night, although Sheila had continued to feel grotty with her cold during the day, and held it off with a combination of paracetamol and Olbas pastilles.

There followed a very broken night (due to the cold, not excessive quantities of red wine), and she’s still feeling very under the weather today.

So I’ve been doing the domestic bit, keeping the fire in, running a washload and so on (the washing machine seems happy to do synthetic programmes, just not the 40ยบ cotton), heating up chicken soup for lunch.

The weather has been pretty grotty, too, with only occasional bright spells and heavy showers the rest of the time. So it’s been a day for staying in the cabin with the stove well stoked, reading the papers.

Apparently, some Russian meteorologists have identified an anomaly in the Gulf Stream which may well mean a very severe winter; the worst for 1000 years, making last year look comparatively mild. Gosh, we’re glad we’ve booked a winter mooring.

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