Monday, 18 October 2010

A quiet day in Alrewas

Today saw both Sheila and I round at the surgery, both for routine stuff. Tomorrow, the dentist, :(

Apart from that, it’s been a good day. The washing machine worked fine, despite its odd behaviour the other day, we had a chat with Harry Arnold who happened to be passing on the towpath, and we’ve just spent the afternoon watching Going Postal on DVD (on Sheila’s MacBook, as it declined to run on my Mini; aren’t DVDs temperamental these days?).

I can strongly recommend it to any Terry Pratchettt fans out there. Charles Dance makes a remarkably good Vetinari, despite being blond, and of course David Suchet is just brilliant as Reacher Gilt. We missed the Post Office cat and Gilt's parrot (the one that sits on his shoulder shouting "twelve and a half per cent"), but I suppose you can't have everything.

Not a lot more to say, really. The weather’s taken a turn for the worse again, so we’re glad we’ve got a load of coal and wood in store, as we’re now running the stove all day.

It’ll probably be quite brief blogs for a bit, until we settle into Great Haywood, then I may reduce blog frequency except when we’re out and about.

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