Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Warm in the boat, cold outside, and goodbye to the RBOA

Apart from the trek to the dentist this afternoon, it’s been another quiet day, when we’ve sheltered in the boat from some rather unseasonably cold weather, latterly with showers. Fortunately, it’s due to improve a bit tomorrow, with sun rather than showers, as we’ll have to move the boat to get a pump out.

The trip to the dentist went OK, though Sheila will need a couple of return visits. I’m trying not to feel too smug; Nemesis strikes all too quickly when it comes to dental health in my experience.

I think the only other thing to mention is that we’ve decided to leave the RBOA. We’ve felt uncomfortable with the attitude of some of its senior officers for a while, and in view of the major changes impending for BW, we want to focus our input on just one organisation, namely the IWA.

So I emailed the membership secretary to let her know yesterday, but haven’t had a reply as yet.

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