Thursday 10 February 2011

Grumble, grumble, grumpy grumble

After a good night's sleep, we had planned a relaxed day today, and aim to go to Stafford tomorrow, as the weather is forecast to be dryer then. The engine is about due for an oil change, and with the nice new rev counter showing 0.0 hours, it seemed like a good idea to do that today.

So after lunch, we set to and got organised, drying out the bilges again, more condensation having appeared since the last time we did it. I then discovered that I hadn't got as much fresh oil as I thought, just 6.5 litres when we need around 8.5 to do the change.

Hey ho, we've done all the other fiddly bits like tweaking up the stern gland; I'll just have to get another 5 litre can from Anglo Welsh tomorrow (there's no chandlery here) and it will be a quick job to do the change.

I then called Towergate Mardon and renewed our boat insurance for the next year. The problem with getting a new boat is that all the renewals like insurance and licence come together.

As a reward for all this hard work, I popped over to Reception to see if the March issue of Canal Boat was in, not least so that we could check our answers to the Christmas Quiz. They had both CB and Waterways World, so I got them both.

So far, I haven't found anything about the quiz, but have had to read Steve Haywood doing a Top Gear sneer about bloggers. Haywood, you'd better not be bending over with your back to me when next I see you.

Then finally, Sheila's just read out a bit from the WW news: Belgium is objecting to us using red diesel in our propulsion tanks at all, and the EU Commission agrees with them and is discussing it with HMRC.

There's only one word for them. Bastards.

1 comment:

John (Nb Waimaru) said...

Well, well. There's me here grumbling about having to decorate another room at home and speculating how nice it would be not to have that to do if I moved full time to the boat, and then I find you can be just as much a full time grumbler if you do just that.

I fully agree about the fuel question. It's about time we told these meddlers to mind their own business and stick two fingers up as the French do. It is not even as though it were about unfair competition!! Looks as though we are making a start by trying to defy the European Courts on prisoners voting rights, so will watch that carefully to see where we get, and whether that is an indication that we could at last stand up for ourselves.

Make sure your aim is true if you come across SH.