Tuesday 8 February 2011

What a nice day

I know, I've used that title before, but it's still true for today. After a frosty night, but not enough to make any ice on the water, we got up in good(ish) time, and by 8.45 were on the service wharf. I was expecting to have to hang about, as reception doesn't open until nine, but both Dave and Steve emerged and set to straightaway.

Dave got the pump out going, with only a brief pause to de-ice the hose with a bucket of warm water, whilst Steve filled the diesel tank. Add in a 13kg cylinder of propane, and we were all done. With two laundry tokens so's Sheila could tumble dry a couple of washloads, the bill came to a bit over £117.

This includes all the diesel we used chugging down to Alrewas and back, and the gas has gone up to £25.50 for 13 kg. (Note to those designing their own boats: the smaller, 6kg cylinders are much more expensive, proportionately, so make sure there's plenty of headroom in the gas locker.)

With a flat calm, it was an easy trip back to the pontoon, where we offloaded everything from the well deck, and Sheila gave it a wash and brush up. The sunny, spring-like weather seemed to call for a start to the spring cleaning.

The Sainsbury's delivery was only just inside the 11 to 12 delivery slot. It was yet another new driver, and he'd gone to Anglo Welsh over the road, "because that's where the satnav took me..."

We won't mention to sodding great blue and white roadside notices saying Great Haywood Marina then.

No matter, the delivery was all complete, and by half twelve we'd got it put away and were making lunch.

Apart from finishing off the well deck, and the aforementioned tumbling, we've had a quieter afternoon. We'll need to be up and about promptly again tomorrow, as Peter Mason plans to be with us by nine.

Well, it might happen... ;)


madge said...


Just wondered if you could tell me how you go about having your shopping delivered, we have ours delivered at home at the moment but obviously when we buy a boat we would want to carry on doing that(I think I must be the only woman who hates shopping) do you just give them the postcode of a marina that you plan to moor at on the chosen shopping day, also we were led to believe that we can have post sent to a po box, sorry to be nosey Bruce but we don't know any of the basics, we need to have a good chat with people that do live on a boat, thanks Madge

Bruce in Sanity said...

Hi Madge

Yes, we just set the marina up as an alternative address. Ocado are good because there's a text box on the check out screen you can use to give the boat name and stuff. Tesco used to do this, but have recently stopped, to the fury of Sue on . She has a web page about it.

You can indeed get stuff sent to a Post Office poste restante, but a PO Box has to be in the same postal district as your main address, so not much use for us. There are mail forwarding services that advertise in WW. You do need at least one real address, as banks get desperately unhappy if you don't have a postcode!

For most of us, this is what daughters are for ;)

Don't be afraid to keep asking, and have a good trawl back through the earliest posts on this blog - I talked about a lot of this stuff in the early days.

All the best
