Friday, 25 November 2011

Cold and windy

It's felt quite wintry out there today, which fits with the way we're feeling in here. Both of us are fighting off colds, with Sheila about 24 hours behind me. Elanor is due to come for dinner tonight, and rang at lunch time to say she wasn't sure if she should as she was getting a cold.

We reassured her that she hadn't got anything we didn't have already, probably.

So, apart from collecting the paper and some carrots from the shop, our outside time has been restricted to journeys to the services block and a walk once round the marina.

I carried on working on the book, and Sheila has been pottering on online as well, though not undertaking anything very complex in view of her dopey state.

One thing she did do was to subscribe to Hidden. This is a fiendish and quite cheap ($15 per year) app that lets you track your MacBook, iPad and so on if it's stolen. It will even use the onboard camera to take a photo of the thief when he/she tries to use the machine, and tell you where the beast is to within a hundred yards or so.

It looks like the weather is going to stay chilly for the weekend, but compared to last year, we're not complaining.

Oh, and one piece of cheerful news; the latest customer for Sheila's crochet was so thrilled with it, she texted us as soon as it arrived to say so. That sort of thing makes all the difference; thank you!

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