Saturday, 26 November 2011

One day just to get through

It's presently a bit dreary outside much of the time; grey and windy and cold, and we feel pretty much in step with that. There have been brief periods of sun, but otherwise it's been the grotty aspect of early winter. Meanwhile, we're still feeling the effects of this cold, which makes us reluctant to do anything very much, frankly.

Elanor felt too weary with the effects of a hard week's work and the onset of her own cold to come over last night, so she's coming tonight instead, having had a decent kip.

So, there's not a lot to add, really. We got round to having a look at the first episode of a box set of the first season of Deadwood, which Elanor had been clearing out a bit ago and passed on to us, but didn't take to it, so it can join the collection of DVD swaps up in the laundry, along with the various paperbacks they've got up there.

Hopefully, we'll begin to come back to life with the start of the new week and an improvement in the weather...


Tom and Jan said...

Bruce... You don’t like Westerns... Philistine! :-)

John/Waimaru said...

Tom, Surely you are not giving approval to "Cowboys"?