Saturday 9 March 2013

Ambling through Saturday

Having got so much done yesterday, there was a distinctly weekend feel to today, though Sheila is slogging on proofing my book – we normally take the weekend off. Maybe she just likes reading about food...


After a relaxed start, I ambled over to the shop to get the paper and the next issue of Canal Boat and to order two more bags of solid fuel. The forecast is for a couple of really cold days then hopefully turning a bit milder again.

Not sure what's happened to the News pages of CB; they seem all to have been set in sans serif font, sometimes with the weight varying from para to para, making them really weird to read.

Elanor and Sally duly showed up after lunch; thanks to those who suggested washing machine repairmen. I've passed the info on to her.

Meanwhile, we've run a washload for her and we all took Sally for a walk whilst it was going on. We ambled as far down the canal as Bridge 20, the one that was knocked into the canal by a muck spreader the other year, and then came back through Findern.

It took most of two hours all told and Sally is now dozing in her bed whilst the rest of us confer about The Independent Giant GK crossword. (Sally's not much into crosswords.)

Elanor's staying for dinner, so I'll make lasagne, I think. It's not worth doing it just for two of us, and it's one of her favourites, so that's a win all round.

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