Monday 11 March 2013

How much more winter?

We can't say we weren't warned, but it's been back to winter with a vengeance today, complete with snow showers and a bitterly cold easterly wind. At least we were ready for it; the only reason to visit the shop was to collect the paper. Being Monday, Sheila has been running washloads all day, so she's had to scuttle up and down to the laundry to use the tumble driers.

Such was the driven nature of the snow that I found it falling in the well deck inside the cratch at one point; it was being blown in through the spaces where the cover goes over the handrails.

This morning we got on with the books, me proof reading Sheila's (nearly there, 82% done) and Sheila working on mine in Sigil. She's been sorting out some inconsistencies of style in things like the way the ingredients are listed and doing some more general corrections of typos and infelicitous expressions.

She'd also found an odd change in font in one recipe, which in the end I had to fix by diving into the code view and cutting and pasting tags from another page where the font was correct.

That pretty well took us up to lunchtime. Afterwards we took another very brisk walk round the marina. The snow had largely stopped but the wind continued to howl. Midland Chandlers hasn't got any more Ecofire briquettes in yet so I contented myself with buying some glass cleaner in anticipation of allowing the fire to go out later this week and cleaning the glass in the door.

We popped into the office to pick up a leaflet describing an Open Weekend for the lodges, part of English Tourism Week.

Back at the boat Sheila had some more washing to put on but otherwise we've been taking it easy.

Tomorrow we're planning to head into Derby for a bit of retail therapy.


Mandy Klyne said...

You may be interested to know that ceramic hob cleaner makes an effective cleaner for stove glass and is considerably cheaper than products made specifically for stoves. We use it on both a wood-burning stove and a diesel Bubble stove. What's more, the 'scraper' you can use for ceramic hobs (basically a modified version of a Stanley knife) is great for removing the really stuck on bits which you get particularly with wood.

BW Mandy K

Bruce in Sanity said...


Thanks Mandy, that's very interesting. I'll look out for both items next time we're in town.

All the best
