Friday 4 October 2013

Restocking day

Today we had two main things to do and have achieved both of them, always good.

First off we went to the Midland Chandlers Freaky Friday discount day with a moderate shopping list, almost all of which we got, including a fire blanket and fire extinguisher for the lodge.

I also bought another smoke detector for the engine room, having heard recently yet another account of a fire starting in an inverter (nowhere near here, I’m glad to say). It doesn’t happen very often, but is obviously catastrophic if it does. Most of the rest of the stuff consisted of replacement filters for the ones I used the other day and 10 litres of oil.

We then pottered about for the rest of the morning, putting away the supplies and installing the smoke alarm.

The Ocado delivery turned up in good time after lunch, just as another hefty rain shower arrived. Again, luck was with us as it had pretty well stopped by the time the driver had got the crates sorted out.

It’s been noticeable recently that they often start getting the hand truck out to move the crates to the boat without having to be told that’s what they need to do; presumably as more of us here use the service, more drivers have done it before and know the score.

It’s been raining on and off since, occasionally brightening up and then another heavy shower blows through; I hope that the forecast is right when it says tomorrow will be better for our mini cruise.

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