Friday, 4 April 2014

Beyond Huddlesford

It rained quite hard last night, which washed the smog out of the air. The solar panel was covered in a thin layer of the Sahara this morning.

For once we got our cruising time estimation about right; leaving at half eight got us to Huddlesford Junction at eleven. There was some space, but it was pretty busy with a mixture of boats, some clearly residential and some holiday boats. Since we didn't want to use the pub or the handy car park, we carried on to just before the new marina in the length before Streethay.

I was quite glad to finish; the wind was pretty cool and although it wasn't actually raining, it felt damp. Since we've stopped the sun's come out for a time, though it's retreated again now.

Apart from re-rolling the cratch cover into its summer position with the outside surface facing out, we've not done a lot this afternoon. I plan to make goulash for dinner; it's that sort of day.

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