Saturday 12 April 2014

Spring Saturday

This post's a bit late; we set off to have a walk round the marina in good time, but meeting up with folk and attendant nattering delayed us rather. I'll need to get this done quickly whilst slurping a mug of tea as there's a piece of top rump that needs roasting for tonight and it wants to be in the oven quite soon.

This morning was Sally-running in Burton water meadows followed by a visit to Betty's Farm to get aforesaid meat. Elanor had planned to take her to Cannock Chase, but the deer will either be heavily pregnant or with young fawns at foot, so not good to let Sal loose amongst them.

Back at the boat, Sheila had cleaned one side of the outside of the cratch canopy with Fabsil. This afternoon we've had the walk to blow the cobwebs away. As usual, Sheila is working much harder than me, doing the month end domestic accounts and credit card reconciliation. What a wonderful woman she is...

I'm sorry to hear that my little animated GIFs don't work for some of you. I'm trying to chase up why that should be. It uses a fairly popular bit of open source JavaScript, and so far I've not found any reports of problems out there. It's running fine on all our machines, but of course they are all Macs.

More anon.

1 comment:

Sue said...

No I cant get those either Bruce on Windows 8

Sorry to hear you have cancelled your Braidbar for Crick on a more recent blog..

I am trying to catch up as I am about 5 days behind reading..