Sunday 13 July 2014

As I thought

I'm a bit too weary/lazy to do a proper post tonight.

So I'll just say that our session manning a stand promoting lodge rentals wasn't a complete waste of time in that we did talk to some folk and handed out a number of info sheets, but it probably won't make a mega difference to the number of lettings.

We're thinking of it as more of a practice session for the Festival and Boardwalk opening in October. Thanks go to all the marina staff who helped one way and another and to John and Gail who handed out a load of info sheets around the Classic Car Show itself.

The Show looked like a big success with lots of people turning up and 90 cars to see.

Elanor came to see us with Sally just as we were finishing, thus making this post even later as chatting to the two of them comes first, naturally.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Very generous of you both to give up your day.