Saturday 15 November 2014

Bustling about

We seem to have one of two kinds of day these days. Either we have a lazy start and potter about all day, or we've got stuff to do that takes up most of the day. Today was one of the latter kind. Rising fairly promptly, we were all breakfasted by just after nine. We walked across to the office and dropped off the tenants' sets of lodge keys which I'd collected from the lodge yesterday evening after they'd moved out.

Calling in at the Farm Shop, we were disappointed that they didn't after all have the pig's liver we'd ordered. Many apologies were proffered by Kevin, though it wasn't really his fault; there had been a bit of a muck up at the other shop at Barton Marina. We bought some sausages instead and a couple of pasties for lunch.

Back at the boat, we took the thyme plant that had been in a trough on the roof all summer up to the lodge and transplanted it into a bed there. We'll see if it resists rabbity attack better than the hebe it's replaced.

Elanor, meanwhile, had been busy in Burton on her own affairs but kindly came across afterwards to pick us up and take us to Tamworth to see Glen at Elite Furnishings. Here we had a good look at the recliner possibilities before ordering two Brindley chairs and footstools in black leather with oak legs.

We might be lucky enough to have them for Christmas, but he couldn't promise.

We'd scoffed the pasties whilst travelling so Elanor and I were able to take Sal for a run in the copse when we got back. This didn't go as well as might have been expected, as the black hearted sinner dog found a rat hole in the bank of the big pond.

We left her to it for a bit and walked away to establish that we weren't there to wait on her convenience, but after a considerable time Elanor went back to check since the dog wasn't responding to calls. For the first time in over four years that Elanor has had her, Sally was actually digging at the hole after the rat and had to be dragged off it.

A session of obedience work followed to re-establish dominance before we went back to the marina, Sally still looking over her shoulder from time to time: "there was a rat, let me back at it!"

Elanor and Sal have gone home now and we are left looking forward to a quiet evening and a pottering day tomorrow.

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