Sunday 22 February 2015

A lurking day

Not so much to talk about today as we've been lurking inside for much of the time. We took advantage of the dry weather this morning to take a walk round the marina. There was a bitingly cold wind, so we went as briskly as we could.

Popping into Still Waters, I bought some milk and ordered two bags of Signal solid fuel for delivery tomorrow. Before we'd set off, I'd got a batch of dough ready and shaped up, leaving it to prove in the barely warmed oven.

When we returned, it was pretty well ready to bake, especially once I'd pre-heated the oven. Today's recipe was a mix of multigrain flour from the Farm Shop, a bit of the malted flour from the same place and a cup of oat bran to see what effect it had on the texture.

I'm pleased to say that this was quite successful and made some very tasty rolls to fill for lunch.

This afternoon the rain came down in torrents, so we stoked the Squirrel well up and loafed in our nice comfy chairs, reading mostly with the odd bit of web surfing or, in Sheila's case, doing a jigsaw on her iPad.

Elanor rang to reassure us that she'd survived going for a riding lesson. Sounds like it was a very wet experience but she managed the full half hour, even though the horse concerned was clearly trying to get it over with and get back to his nice warm loose box.

Hopefully, it will be drier tomorrow so that we can get some more exercise!

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