Saturday 21 November 2015

Catch up

Just a quick bulletin:

  1. Still no appointment for Sheila's other foot.
  2. My eyes, on the other hand, showed better pressures the other day, so no op yet, hooray.
  3. We've got kind of used to better quality coffee so the cafetière is getting a work out these days.
  4. Wifi access is not too bad in the morning, but slows right down in the late afternoon. Wynne James is going to get me another Solwise router to sort that out.
  5. We came second in the last quiz, just, 89 points against 92 by the winners. These were Peter and Melanie, together with Terry. We'd persuaded the Cootes to have a go... It was a very good quiz, too, highly enjoyable.
  6. With the onset of wintry weather, we're popping down to the boat regularly to light the fire and check that all is well.
  7. We've got a quiet couple of weeks ahead, then things get a bit busier again.
See you later!

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