Tuesday 5 June 2018

Made it to Middlewich

We've had another good day's boating, I'm pleased to say, and some serious restocking here in Middlewich. We made another early start, with Sheila getting going at ten to seven, before she'd had breakfast, even. We reckon about four hours, Wheelock to the foot of the Middlewich 3, and needed to do some shopping before lunch.

I had some breakfast then took over on the tiller for Sheila to get hers. Once she had eaten, I made us some coffee then got the washing machine going, finishing in just nice time to be ready for the day's locking. We worked down the three Booth Lane locks, Rumps and Kings. A boat we crossed with at Rumps warned us that the upper lock landing wasn't available at Kings as a GRP boat had been set on fire and sunk there. The remains were now invisible, but CRT have marked it off with stakes and red and white tape (aka mine tape).

What with vandalism at locks leading to damage that will cost millions to repair and now a boat set on fire, Middlewich is becoming a less comfortable place  for boaters.

There were volockies on at all three of the Middlewich 3, including fellow Braidbar owner Dave off Starshine with whom we managed a quick natter.

As the lockwheeler today, I'd had a good day of it with most of the locks full when I got there and now this Rolls Royce treatment down the last ones. Sheila had a bit of fun steering, first getting round the problem above Kings then passing Andersen hire boats in both pounds going down the 3. Needless to say, she showed her consummate skill in all of this, a master- (or mistress-?) class in boat handling.

(I have to say this stuff, she checks this blog scrupulously! ;) No, seriously, her boat handling is, if anything, superior to mine, a much lighter hand on the throttle.) All in all, we managed the trip by half ten, so a good run.

We've tied just through the Town Bridge, an easy walk both to the main shopping area and to Lidl on the outskirts. We visited Tesco before lunch and Lidl after, so the cupboards and fridge are looking quite replete again. We had thought about going to Morrisons this afternoon as well, but got everything we wanted at Lidl. We'll do another trip tomorrow morning, then may move the boat just a little way along to be opposite the playground rather than the houses.

We'll feel easier running the engine there.

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