Wednesday, 18 July 2018

A curious pub and heading back

We walked the mile back up to the Dog and Doublet for dinner last night. I'm left with mixed impressions of it. The food was very good – two excellent pieces of pie and a sirloin steak, all with chips – and I had a decent pint of Abbot Ale. But Sheila's Kipling was newly tapped and a bit cloudy and the only dark beer available was Guinness.

It's very much a locals' pub and the smallish bar was full of large men and their dogs. In days of yore, no respectable woman would go in a pub by herself and even when accompanied would expect her companion to enter first. Those days are long gone, and quite right too, but it felt as if the old rules applied in the Dog. I didn't feel that much at home myself.

So we ate outside, with Sally quite on edge with so many other dogs around, and didn't stay for a second drink. I doubt if we'll go back.

We had a straightforward run back to Fazeley and have tied on the exact same rings we used two nights ago. A bit more shopping has been done in much more comfortable weather. In fact, as Sheila and I came out of Sainsbury's, some wet stuff started falling out of the sky.

There's a name for that, can't quite remember it...

Tomorrow, back to Whittington or Huddlesford or Kings Orchard. Somewhere, anyway.


Ann Street said...

Interesting to hear your views on the Dog and Doublet. We have given up going there after some indifferent meals and a feeling that the place was none too clean. The last time we went that way we went to the place just above the next lock - a sort of country house which does weddings etc. much nicer place but the food was a bit odd in that they served large yorkshire puddings with a chicken supreme which was nothing like a chicken supreme we had even seen before! We usually do Fazely to Star City in a reasonably short day but we were putting off time the last time.

Anonymous said...

I put this comment on the wrong post, sorry.
So repeating myself....
I hope you e mailed C&RT with your complaint regarding services.
If we all do it, maybe things will improve.
nb Paneke

Bruce in Sanity said...

Ann: Fazeley to Star City? That's about three day's boating!

Rog: I can do better than that, Richard P reads this blog, but you're right, I should copy it to lower down as well.

Cheers both


Ann said...

Bruce, we used to do fazely to the top of Farmers Bridge in a day but we have slowed down a lot :-)